On March 21st, the Burlington Board of School Commissioners unanimously approved the 2023/2024 School Calendar. (Download or view the calendar online.)
Our first day of school will be August 30th! In addition, after receiving feedback from staff of the Global Majority, we have decided to recommend that we will not be in school for a half day (or otherwise) for MLK Day next year, or for the foreseeable future. Staff and students we heard from feel they should be able to observe this holiday, like they are others, and I am happy to honor that feedback. (We will continue to use the opportunity for education the week of MLK Day, and beyond.)
And finally, this year we will commit to keeping the evenings of Yom Kippur, Holi, and Eid free from school events. We, and others in the region, may consider closing on these days in future years but that would require starting a bit earlier.
You can see the calendar below or view a printable version in a separate tab.