On November 2nd, the State of Vermont approved a COVID19 Vaccine for children ages 5-11. In preparation for this announcement, Burlington School District worked with representatives from the Vermont Department of Health to allow our six elementary schools to host school-based vaccination clinics.
On November 3rd, the healthvermont.gov website opened to parents and began accepting appointments for children to get their first dose of the vaccine.
Our clinics will be hosted at:
- Flynn Elementary, November 9th from 11 am to 5 pm
- Sustainability Academy, November 10th from 2-4 pm
- Integrated Arts Academy, November 10th from 9-12 am
- CP Smith, November 12th from 11 am to 5 pm
- Edmunds Elementary, November 17th from 11 am to 5 pm
- Champlain Elementary, November 19th from 11 am to 5 pm
To attend one of these clinics, families should schedule an appointment online. If you have trouble signing up online, you can also try to make an appointment by calling 855-722-7878.
Finally, we want to let you know that within 24 hours of our school clinics being available, we learned that many spots were already full. If this is the case, you still have options! Please remember,
- Your child can get a vaccine at ANY available school site that has open spots (you do not have to go to the clinic at your school, or even in your District or county)
- You may also arrange for your children to be vaccinated at a local pharmacy
- You can check with your child’s pediatrician’s office.
Questions about Vaccines for children? The Vermont Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics is hosting a number of webinars between now and December 15:
All events will be from 7pm to 8pm via Zoom on the following dates:
- Monday, November 8th with Leah Costello, M.D. (So. Burlington)
Click here to join Zoom meeting - Wednesday, November 10th with Elizabeth Richards, M.D. (Brattleboro)
Click here to join Zoom meeting - Tuesday, November 16th with Josh Kantrowitz, M.D. ( St. Johnsbury)
Click here to join Zoom meeting - Thursday, November 18th with Ashley Miller, M.D. ( So. Royalton)
Click here to join Zoom meeting - Monday, November 22nd with Colleen Moran, M.D. (Lamoille)
Click here to join Zoom meeting - Tuesday, November 30th with Alexandra Bannach, M.D. (Newport)
Click here to join Zoom meeting - Thursday, December 2nd with Tracy Tyson, M.D. (St. Albans)
Click here to join Zoom meeting - Monday, December 6th with Monica Benjamin, M.D. (Middlebury)
Click here to join Zoom meeting - Wednesday, December 8th with Judy Orton, M.D. (Bennington)
Click here to join Zoom meeting - Monday, December 13th with Stanley Weinberger, M.D. (Burlington)
Click here to join Zoom meeting - Wednesday, December 15th with Sarah Weidhaas, M.D. (Springfield)
Click here to join Zoom meeting