We need your help!
BSD is entering into an agreement with the AOE to allow for all students to receive free lunch at Champlain, Edmunds Elementary, Edmunds Middle, and Burlington High School this year. This includes take-home meals for remote learning days. In order for this to happen, we need all families to complete the online Free and Reduced Meal application as soon as possible. Coronavirus has had many financial implications for our families; if your student attends any of these schools, please fill out the application even if you haven’t qualified before.
We need the applications completed in order to get the best possible funding for this program and to have the Free and reduced lunch data that many programs need for grants and other funding. If successful, there is a possibility we could offer FREE LUNCH at these schools until school year 2023-24! All students at all schools already receive breakfast and supper at no charge, and these four schools are the only schools which have not been able to offer free lunch… so the addition of free lunch at Champlain, EES, EMS, and BHS will go a long way to combat hunger.
Please remember, you should complete this form using your current income, even if you expect your income to resume/increase in the coming months. This program is fully funded by the Federal Government, and your participation will not cause other children, students, or families to lose any of their current benefits… there is enough to go around, we just need help to bring the program to Burlington and serve our students the best way we can!
Please complete the online Free and Reduced Meal application as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please contact Doug Davis, Director of Food Service: (802) 864-8416 OR ddavis@bsdvt.org