Welcome to Burlington School District’s online registration! BSD is a pre-k-12 public school system serving around 3,600 students in Burlington, VT. Our mission is to graduate students who: value different cultures, engage with the community, communicate effectively, think creatively, skillfully solve problems, and achieve at their highest academic, intellectual, and personal potential.
To register a new student with the Burlington School District, please choose from the following options.
See our New Student Registration flyer for more information about our schools, the registration process, and upcoming Kindergarten visits at each school.
Kindergarten Registration
Register an Existing PreK Student for Kindergarten
Register an Existing Student: If you are registering an existing PreK student in our district, follow the steps below. This includes all families who have a student in a partner PreK program and are receiving ACT 166 funds, as well as any students in any of our district PreK programs at IRA Allen, Flynn, IAA or SA.
(If your PreK child is NOT already registered in BSD then they are “New to BSD;” please move onto the next section below and follow those directions.)
- Please go into your PowerSchool Account
- Enter your User Name and Password (If you have forgotten your username or password, click on the Forgot Username or Password link.)
- Once logged in, click on the student’s name in the upper left hand corner
- Click on forms
- Complete all of the PreK Registration for Kindergarten Forms
Much of the data will be prefilled from when you registered for preschool or for receiving Act 166 funds.
Register a Student New to the BSD for Kindergarten
Register a student new to BSD: If your PreK child is NOT already registered in Burlington School District, then please register today via our online registration.
See our New Student Registration flyer for more information about our schools, the registration process, and upcoming Kindergarten visits at each school.
Early Entrance to Kindergarten
Vermont school districts are not obligated by law to allow student early entrance before age 5. However, in an attempt to meet the needs of individual children, as a service, Burlington School District will consider early entrance requests for students whose birth date falls between September 2nd and September 30th of the year the child turns 5, if requested. Such evaluation is consistent with Policy F 14: Request for K Early Entrance.
Register for Pre-K or Grades 1-12
If you are registering for any grade other than Kindergarten, please register today via our online registration.
Please Note: If your child was enrolled in our preschool program last year, you do not need to register them again if they are continuing in preschool. If your child is moving up to Kindergarten, please see the Kindergarten Registration section above.
Helpful tips:
- Check your internet browser. Currently, Internet Explorer is not supported by the software we are using to collect this data. Firefox, Safari, or Chrome are recommended.
- When registering, be careful to choose the correct school year you are registering for. For example, if you are new to BSD and your student needs to begin attending school as soon as possible, you should register using the “2022/2023” section. If you’re registering your kindergartener for 2023, you’ll want to choose “2023/2024; this will only be available after January 30, 2023.”
- If you are having trouble, please contact the administrative assistant at your school or at the school that is your first choice for your student. You can find contact information for each school here. Click on the link for an individual school and then look for the Main Office contact info at the bottom of each school’s homepage.
Helpful Forms
Request for Variance of Middle School Attendance
Planned Absence of 10+ Days Request Form
Affidavit for Proof of Residency
BSD Policies and Procedures
Early Entrance to K Procedure and Form
How Elementary School Placement is Decided
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2024 – 2025 Afterschool Registration for K-12
Afterschool programming encompasses academic, enrichment and recreational offerings and is offered at all nine BSD schools (K-12), with supper served daily. On any given school day, 550 or more Burlington students participate in an expanded learning activity, with over 1,700 participating annually.
Visit our Expanded Learning Opportunities page to learn more about afterschool and summer programming.
Register for Elementary Afterschool
Register for Edmunds Middle School Afterschool